We have been living in Bulgaria for a month now and are thankfully still loving it. The countryside and wildlife are stunning and is still providing loads of surprises. The latest surprise are the fireflies which come out in the evening. They provide their own mini firework display as they criss cross through the night air. Even though the weather has got a lot hotter now so far the biting insects have not been too bad. The mossies seem to appear only during dusk and are always worse if they think it is going to rain. However, in the last two days, after a huge thunderstorm we have suffered torrential rain. The rivers are gushing with water and even the little stream at the bottom of the garden is a gushing torrent and has washed away the road cutting some people off in the village. Due to the rain we have suffered a small leak of water in the kitchen on the floor. We think it is seeping through the walls but hope that when the guttering is put up will stop the water pooling on the ground. It's probably a good thing we noticed it now as we are now aware of it and can keep an eye on the problem, putting in drainage if necessary.

The Yantra River brimming with water on its way to the Danube
The way of life here also takes a little getting used to. Nearly everyone except the big shops take payment in cash only and we are forever at the bank withdrawing money at the moment. Some transactions seem positively clandestine. Last week we had to pay for a load of timber Chris ordered from the local carpenter but firstly we had to get the money in cash from the bank, then drive to the workshop which is all locked up and honk the horn to get the carpenter Angel to come out and let us in. Then hand over the cash which is counted out and then with a nod we are told it will be with us 2pm the following day. We drive away, with no receipt, nothing!
Work on the house seems to be going in fits and starts. We have been a bit frustrated at the pace of some of the work. The stone masons are great and are flying along with their work, completing a large amount of work on the house and now starting work on the outside area. The plumbers / electricians / decorators are pretty atrocious. Their time keeping leaves a lot to be desired, not turning up from one day to the next and leave a lot of mess about which does not help with the dust problem. As we are trying to get the bathroom and kitchen fitted as soon as possible so we can actually move in it has been frustrating to say the least. Still, today 6 of them turned up early for once and are beavering away again so fingers crossed they will be with us for a few days at least!
The lounge, bedroom and ensuite bathroom floors finally concreted
Original stone features in the lounge
New beams and pillars in the lounge to hold the ceiling up
Chris sorting the kitchen out. Our day starts at eight in the morning. The labourers don't roll up until after ten and leave at four!
The upstairs landing fireplace kept as a feature and replastered
Finally the upstairs bathroom starts to go in
On Sunday we went out and celebrated our first month here. We were recommended a Chinese restaurant in Gabrovo which was a nice change from the local fare. It was different to a UK Chinese as it used local seasonal produce on its menu which made it interesting but considering when in China they do the same, it was perhaps more authentic than a UK Chinese. Eating out here is a real treat. It doesn't seem to matter how up market a place is, the prices are always reasonable. The trick is, just eat where the locals eat. A meal out last week in our nearest town Dryanovo, cost £7.00 for both of us including drinks!
Tonight we are eating freshly picked chanterelle mushrooms cooked in garlic, provided by one of the local gypsies who picked them in the woods and sells them for what he can get. In Bulgaria they have a spring mushroom season and an autumn one. Considering they are having a wet spring mushrooms (if you know where to look) must be booming.